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HLT 308V Topic 2 DQ 2
Research the role of an administrator versus that of a non-management staff member in dealing with a workers’ compensation incident in a typical health care organization. What are the minimal responsibilities and reporting duties for each? What recommendations would you suggest for improving organizational compliance with regulatory requirements at the staff level? Support your analysis with a minimum of one peer-reviewed reference.

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Workers compensation is an insurance that helps to protect businesses and their employees when an employee is injured on while at work (U.S. Department of Labor, n.d.). Claims must be reported in a timely manner and typically is within 24hours of the injury. but some places may require that it be reported by the end of the employees shift. It is the employee’s responsibility to report the incident to their supervisor or to follow the steps put in place by the insurance company or healthcare agency they work for.


Non-management staff, usually the employee, are only required to report the incident be sure the correct documentation gets filed. For the administrators, which is usually the supervisor, is responsible for most of the claim when it comes to dealing with workers compensation. They are responsible for making sure the claim paperwork gets completed, the correct people are notified, and that the claim is investigated.

To improve organizational compliance with regulatory requirements at the staff level, I suggest that the reporting requirements be posted in places the employees will often see. Providing a printed guide for the reporting or a computer refresher course for the employees can be helpful as well. Some employees are not familiar with the timeframe of reporting workplace injuries and that can cause them to not be covered for their injury sustained.


U.S. Department of Labor (n.d.) Workers’ Compensation. Retrieved from:


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