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HRM 635 Topic 1 Discussion 2
 Reflect on the status of human resource management in your current position or organization. What elements can you identify that provide a human resource management perspective that focuses on the employees within the organization? What elements can you identify that provide a more strategic human resource management focus on the whole of the organization? Describe, if possible, how your company accepts the HR department as a strategic partner.


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Core elements of human resource management system

Job description, recruitment and placement, organizational design, talent evaluation, skills training, performance management, incentives and remuneration, and training and growth are all included in the eight-stage model.

In terms of our organization’s HR department, I’d say we’re making good development in terms of human resources. There are no significant concerns that might jeopardize the organization’s success. The level of support she receives from us, the employees, is one of the factors that helps our HR Manager stay focused on the employees. Our company offers a relaxed atmosphere that encourages everyone to speak frankly with one another. As a result, HR is quite comfortable speaking with workers about personal and work-related difficulties. HR is also given regular trainings so that they may remain up to date on new regulations and the demands of each employee. It also gives staff with training videos and documents to watch. Each employee will be aware of the dos and don’ts of the workplace, as well as which regulations they may be breaching. Staffing, employee compensation and benefits, and work design are all duties of HR.

Each manager in our office meets with HR to review the responsibilities of each employee in each department. They then write position descriptions for each role, which they can go through with the individual every year at their annual reviews. This ensures that everyone is contributing their fair share and executing their job appropriately. As a Human Resource Manager, you must be capable of keeping all stuff private and keep up with all changes in the legislation and regulations.

These aspects keep our HR Manager in the loop and on her toes with the workforce (Raven et al., 2015). HR encourages all workers to examine their tasks critically for ways to perform more effectively and efficiently, as well as to enhance quality. Each employee is supported by HR.


Chew, J. C. L. (2004). The influence of human resource management practices on the retention of core employees of Australian organisations: An empirical study (Doctoral dissertation, Murdoch University).


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