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HRM635 Topic 3 Discussion 2, Recruiting and Organization Culture

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HRM635 Topic 3 Discussion 2, Recruiting and Organization Culture
Perhaps the most important consideration for recruitment and selecting is ensuring that a candidate fits with the culture of the organization. Do you agree or disagree? Is this a valid basis for hiring a candidate?

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It is always crucial to make sure that the candidate you intend to hire during recruitment and selection processes fits with the culture of your organization .Before making any form of assessment and examining you candidate during this procedure ,it is essential for your human resource management team to clearly understand your organizational culture .Know in detail the things your organization stands for including core values, vision, beliefs among other things .

Note that organization culture usually evolve overtime. Make no mistake of knowing all the things that governs the progress of your organization. The following are actions  that can be taken in the recruitment and selection process to find the best candidate that fits with the culture of your organization:

1.Making Standardized Assessments:

Doing this ensures that the organization avoids at all cost being bias during the recruitment and selection process. You can employ companies videos, situational judgement tests or even use open questions as your assessment tools. They will always ensure that you stay focus of identifying the right person for the job and being objective during hiring.

2.Employ the Situational Tests of Judgement:

This might involve the use of videos during the hiring procedure so that you can bring the exact practices of the position to the candidates and figure out the way every candidate respond to the actual experiences of the position in question. Videos usually gives the candidates a hint of what the employers intend them to do while at work.

3.Always ask appropriate questions:

It is an essential action during interview stage of hiring the employees. The right questions that are in line with the job requirements and demands will ensure that you identify the right individual(s) for the job. From it ,you will understand whether the candidate can understand the environment they will be working from and also whether the employee can relate well with others when hired ,generally you will know if the candidate fits well to culture of your company .Always prioritize to ask relevant questions.

Other actions that you can take in the recruitment and selection process to find the best candidate that fits with the culture of the organization are :Conducting reference checks for the candidates, plan for informal meetups with the candidates ,Ensure everybody is involved in the selection process, request your candidates to spend their time in your working environment to study their behavior and attitude towards work among other actions.

Lievens, F., & Chapman, D. (2010). Recruitment and selection. The SAGE handbook of human resource management, 135-154.


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