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JUS 630 Week 2 Topic 2 Discussion 1

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JUS 630 Week 2 Topic 2 Discussion 1
Of the many areas in which the United Nations serves, such as health, child abuse, science, environment, or domestic violence, which area would you say is the most valuable to advancing global society, and why?


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The environment is essential to human health. It, therefore, means it has to be given a higher priority among all because it concerns everybody health globally. Effective dealing with the environment is, therefore, important for human health for example breathing clean air is facilitated by the environment and also drinking fresh water is only achievable if the environment is well protected.

Environmental waste and noise pollution is disastrous to human health and should be given priority so that people remain safe (Hoornweg, D., Bhada-Tata, P., & Kennedy, C., 2013). When such issues are addressed, it gives people an opportunity to carry out business globally without fear of getting the loss. 

Environmental adverse effects is a big concern to health practitioners, and thus when United Nation plays a significant role in the environment, they will be solving several issues after they identify them through investigation.

Dealing effectively with environmental challenges makes people travel worldwide and even make investment promoting global society. Environmental problems deter many from free movement to other countries. It thus means that environment protection and solving environmental challenges encourages tourism which brings money for a state or country to use in developments.

When technologies are used that are environmentally friendly, it promotes development without hurting human health and also the environment. Protection of the environment is key because it promotes rains and protects the ozone layer and any misuse of the environment has adverse effects on human health and environment and animals also. The reason is that misuse of environment leads to weather and climate change.


Hoornweg, D., Bhada-Tata, P., & Kennedy, C. (2013). Environment: Waste production must peak this century. Nature, 502(7473), 615.

I think the environment is the most valuable because it supports every life in the world. Through various environmental programs,the UN ensures that people around the world live in a clean and safe environment as well as a sustainable environment which enables people to produces goods and raw materials which in turn faciliate global trade. The environment also supports the well being of people by providing food and water. By so doing,the UN through environmental programs facilitate trade and migration of people around the world,and as a result enhance the global society where people do business and are free to live anywhere because there are plenty of resources and the environment is safe and habitable.


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