To be so distraught that suicide is the only solution to one’s despair is a heart-wrenching reality that is increasing in our culture. We try to understand the motivations of a person who attempts or succeeds to end his or her life from the perspective of the individual psychology and ability to cope, as well as the social circumstances he or she is in. Because of political, social, economic, and environmental factors, certain groups of people are at higher risk for suicide. It would seem that prevention and intervention are falling short for these vulnerable groups.
Discussion Questions:
Prepare for the discussion by reading all the required readings. This activity aligns with module outcomes 1 and 3.
- Name three groups of people for whom the incidence of suicide and suicide attempts are increasing. What are the risk factors for these groups? In addition to prevention and intervention, speculate on any other strategies or ways to address their needs?
- Thomas Szasz argues against suicide intervention and sees it as a violation of a person’s right – specifically, to be committed to a mental hospital against one’s will for suicidal ideation. What other concerns does he have and do you agree or disagree with him? Please explain.
- What in Rothko’s painting “Untitled” speaks to the state of mind one can inhabit prior to suicide?
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Name three groups of people for whom the incidence of suicide and suicide attempts are increasing. What are the risk factors for these groups? In addition to prevention and intervention, speculate on any other strategies or ways to address their needs?
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) populations.
LGBT populations include those who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender. We are able to meet their requirements if we comprehend them and allow them to participate fully in society. When they feel accepted in the society they feel better and they can also take part in contributing to what others do.
Older people especially Older men.
Suicide rates among older adults, particularly older men, particularly those who are white, are shockingly high. This is especially true for older men. The collaborative care models that mix pharmaceutical and psychological treatments, as well as those that lessen the social isolation and disconnection that patients experience in their later years, are able to meet their demands.
Individuals with Mental and Substance Use Disorders.
We are able to meet the needs of those who suffer from mental and substance use disorders such schizophrenia and bipolar disorder by working to improve the quality of life for people whose lives have been damaged by mental illness. The group of population is a very delicate population because they need enough attention to be able to overcome aspects such as addiction therefore rehabilitation or close medical follow up is required.