Mass shootings have become an increasing concern among American criminologists. Read “Mass Shootings in America: Moving Beyond Newtown” and analyze the myths versus the reality of what we know to be true about this particular type of violent criminal behavior. What prevention techniques might be effective for potential mass shooters?
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Mass shootings have become a serious concern among the American criminologists. A common myth regarding these violent crimes is that mass murderers snap and kill indiscriminately. People believe that the murderers are crazed lunatics who suddenly go, grab, and kill mercilessly. This myth persisted for quite a long while among the public’s mind. However, this is not the case. Mass murderers generally plan their attacks efficiently and carefully. These crimes rarely involve a sudden explosion of rage. They typically plan their assaults for a long time usually. The preparation includes who and when to kill and how to execute the plan. Also, the use of specific weapons is also planned.
Another myth is that mass shootings are on the rise. People believe that the number of mass shooting crimes has been rising ever since. This moral panic is because of the various claims that mass murders are rising and the portrayal in media. However, this is not the case because mass shootings have not increased in number at least in the past several decades.
Next, another myth is that recent mass murders involve record-setting of body counts. The body-counts are not increasing, the only thing that has increased is the public fear and anxiety. Extensive watching of the news during these crimes has been attributed to the perception of fear among the public.
People think that violent entertainment and video games are associated and are a cause of mass murders, which is a myth. The fact is these sources could be a reason for the modeling behavior but not mass murders. It must be noted that violent people are attracted to violent video games and entertainment.
More myths regarding these violent crimes are that greater attention towards warning may help people to identify the would-be mass killers, widening the availability of mental health will allow the unstable persons to get treatment reducing these crimes, enhanced checks may reduce the crime, restoring the federal ban on assault weapons may prevent the crimes and so on.
Prevention of mass shootings:
Despite the fact that mass murders cannot be stopped, people must try to implement and enhance the sense of well-being. Doing something is always better than doing nothing. The feeling of helplessness can be reduced. Some of the steps to avoid mass murders are the abolishment of the second-amendment, achievement of full employment, restoring the sense of community, and detecting people who are suspicious.