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HLT-310V Week 5 Topic 5 Discussion Question 2

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HLT-310V Week 5 Topic 5 Discussion Question 2
How realistic is it to expect health care workers to model mental, physical, and spiritual health? If Americans tend to be overweight, underactive, workaholics who experience burnout, why should health care workers be any different? Base your response from the GCU introduction and the textbooks. Cite references from your reading to support your answer. 

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Professor and Class – Jennings ( 2008 ) reported that there have been several studies that have cited many contributors to stress in the healthcare workplace that includes : long hours , gender , family obligations , personality , workplace relationships and management styles . Initially , I believed that mental , physical and spiritual health was a realistic concept that is achievable through the implementation of programs and activities that promote and help foster specific mindsets in the workplace . Policies such as 8 hour shifts versus 12 hour shifts and workshops that offer support with balancing home life and work life , resolving personality conflicts , workplace relationships and effective leadership skills may prove to be powerful tools in helping health care organizations deal with stress related issues . There have been various studies that have shown that social support , organizational support and work empowerment programs have played an active role in reducing stress in the workplace . ( Jennings , 2008 ) However , Jennings ( 2008 ) revealed that while there is enough evidence to prove that workplace stress is a concern among health care personnel , there is ” less well understood ” ( Jennings , 2008 ) evidence that has studied the overall effect of their stress on patient outcomes and safety . I believe that if more studies are conducted to show the positive correlation between increased stress and decrease of patient safety , health care organizations would be obligated to address the concern related to these findings . Furthermore , while I agree that Americans do have a tendency to be overweight , underactive and workaholics , I feel that the majority of people spend half of their time at work and if they are in a healthy work environment then they may be more apt to make healthier choices in their personal life .


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