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HLT324V Week 1 Discussion 2
How does cultural competency occur? What can one do to become culturally aware? Describe an effective approach to using The Purnell Model when working with subcultures (immigration status, gender, political beliefs, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, educational status, etc.).

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Cultural competence develops over time and with experience. It is a continuous learning process that begins with an understanding of one’s own cultural values and beliefs and then expands to include an understanding of other cultures.
The first step in developing cultural competence is to develop an awareness of one’s own cultural worldview. This includes an understanding of one’s own cultural values, beliefs, and assumptions. It is important to be aware of how one’s own culture has shaped their worldview and to be able to articulate these values. This self-awareness is the foundation for understanding and respecting other cultures.
The second step is to develop a positive attitude towards cultural differences. This includes an openness to learning about other cultures and a willingness to engage with people from other cultures. It is important to be respectful of other cultures and to avoid making assumptions about people from other cultures.
Cultural competence refers to the ability to interact effectively with people of different cultures. It is a set of congruent behaviors, attitudes and policies that come together in a system, agency or among professionals and enable that system, agency or professionals to work effectively in cross-cultural situations.
There are four main components to cultural competence:
1. Awareness of one’s own cultural worldview
2. Attitude towards cultural differences
3. Knowledge of different cultural practices and worldviews
4. Skills in interacting across cultures
Cultural competence develops over time and with experience. It is a continuous learning process that begins with an understanding of one’s own cultural values and beliefs and then expands to include an understanding of other cultures.
The first step in developing cultural competence is to develop an awareness of one’s own cultural worldview. This includes an understanding of one’s own cultural values, beliefs, and assumptions. It is important to be aware of how one’s own culture has shaped their worldview and to be able to articulate these values. This self-awareness is the foundation for understanding and respecting other cultures.
The second step is to develop a positive attitude towards cultural differences. This includes an openness to learning about other cultures and a willingness to engage with people from other cultures. It is important to be respectful of other cultures and to avoid making assumptions about people from other cultures.
The third step is to develop knowledge of different cultural practices and worldviews. This includes an understanding of the history, traditions, and values of different cultures. It is important to be aware of the different ways that people from different cultures communicate, interact, and view the world.
The fourth and final step is to develop skills in interacting across cultures. This includes the ability to communicate effectively with people from other cultures, to understand and respect cultural differences, and to resolve conflicts in a cross-cultural context. It is important to be aware of and sensitive to the different cultural norms and expectations of both parties in any cross-cultural interaction.
Cultural competence is an important skill for anyone who works with people from other cultures. It is especially important for people who work in cross-cultural settings, such as healthcare providers, educators, social workers, and human resource professionals. Cultural competence is also important for people who travel to or live in other countries.
Developing cultural competence is a lifelong process. It requires a commitment to learning about other cultures and to engaging with people from other cultures on a regular basis.
In order to become culturally aware, one must first understand what culture is. Culture is the customs, beliefs, values, and behaviors that are shared by a group of people. It is passed down from generation to generation and helps to shape the way we see the world.
One of the best ways to become more culturally aware is to travel to different parts of the world. This can help you to see how other people live and to understand their way of life. It is also a great way to learn about new cultures and to meet new people.
Another way to become more culturally aware is to read books and watch movies that are set in different cultures. This can help you to learn about the customs and beliefs of other cultures. It is also a great way to see how people from different cultures interact with each other.
You can also become more culturally aware by taking classes or attending workshops that focus on cultural awareness. These classes can help you to learn about different cultures and to understand how to interact with people from different cultures.
Finally, one of the best ways to become more culturally aware is to simply talk to people from different cultures. Ask them about their way of life and their customs. Listen to their stories and try to understand their point.
There are a number of ways to approach using The Purnell Model when working with subcultures. One effective approach is to first understand the individual’s cultural identity by looking at factors such as immigration status, gender, political beliefs, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, educational status, and so on. Once this cultural identity is understood, the practitioner can then begin to tailor their approach to working with the individual within their specific subculture.
For example, when working with an individual from a different immigration status, it is important to first understand their cultural identity and how it differs from the mainstream culture. This understanding can then be used to help the practitioner better understand the individual’s needs and how to best support them. Similarly, when working with individuals from different socioeconomic backgrounds, it is important to understand how their economic status may impact their cultural identity and how this may affect the way they interact with the world around them.
By understanding an individual’s cultural identity, practitioners can more effectively tailor their approach to working with individuals from different subcultures. This understanding can help practitioners better support individuals from a variety of backgrounds and help make the world a more inclusive place for everyone


Purnell, L. D. (2016). The Purnell model for cultural competence. In Intervention in mental health-substance use (pp. 57-78). CRC Press.
Hernandez, M., Nesman, T., Mowery, D., Acevedo-Polakovich, I. D., & Callejas, L. M. (2009). Cultural competence: A literature review and conceptual model for mental health services. Psychiatric services, 60(8), 1046-1050.


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