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HLT 308V Topic 1 Discussion 1
Explain the role of accreditation in mitigating risk compliance issues. Provide an example of a health care organization that was placed on probation by its accrediting body or by CMS within the last 3 years for a risk compliance issue. What caused the probation or loss of accreditation and how could it have been prevented?

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How accreditation helps to mitigate risk compliance concerns.

-Essentially put, healthcare accreditation could be a sort of outside evaluation that certifies that a healthcare supplier is taking after the standards and criteria set out by an external accreditation institution. The significance of accreditation within the healthcare calling cannot be exaggerated. Each healthcare office sets up inner measures and standards for operations. 

-Accreditation, on the other hand, guarantees that your trade meets the measures and prerequisites set forward by a third-party organization. It’s the qualification between telling somebody you’re keen and appearing them your credentials. Your company’s accreditation acts as an outside seal of endorsement, affirming merely take after industry rules and hones.

-Be that as it may, certification in healthcare is much more than fair notoriety. The certification prepare helps in streamlining forms, moving forward care quality, and building up certainty with patients and the community. Accreditation is basic for diminishing hazard and guaranteeing compliance. 

-Accreditation has been utilized as a pattern to look at the quality of a healthcare institution’s conveying administrations; as a result, it permits the organization to get it its qualities and restrictions so that it can move forward. -Accreditation gives benchmarks for assessing how well your company is performing. The strategy guarantees that you just comply with all pertinent healthcare rules and controls whereas too remaining current with industry standards.


an example of a health-care organization that has been placed on probation by its accrediting body or CMS for a risk compliance issue in the recent three years.

-The accrediting agency has placed UNC Hospitals on probation.

-The Joint Commission, an agency that periodically assesses hospitals, reportedly issued a preliminary rejection of accreditation against UNC Hospitals near Chapel Hill after inspectors uncovered a number of areas which did not pass.

-Officials from UNC Health Care could not offer specifics on the flaws discovered, but spokesman Alan Wolf said the flagship hospital took swift measures and is still open.

What prompted the probation or revocation of accreditation

-The institution’s financial resources only partly funded its current educational courses, and it had little plans to sustain and improve their quality in the future.
-The governance as well as administrative structures of the institution were not effectively listed in order to encourage effective leadership and foster collaborative processes that enable the organization to execute its goal.
-The institution engaged in haphazard and disjointed planning.

what could have been done to avoid it?

-Organizations must evaluate their forms, arrangements, and strategies, as well as anything else associated to accreditation criteria, in arrange to plan for accreditation. This permits them to spot any areas where compliance is lacking. Leaders of the organization can at that point make adjustments to guarantee that the structures comply with benchmarks and rules. External surveyors will perform an on-site overview after the organization has been arranged to choose whether or not to favor it for accreditation. Industry experts and peer commentators from other certified organizations are more often than not the surveyors. The organization may be subjected to a survey each few a long time to ensure proceeding compliance in arrange to preserve certification.

Step-by-step explanation

MSU 2018 – Hannon Hill Cascade Server v8. (2018). Accreditation. MSU – Minot State University.

WRAL. (2019, August 23). UNC hospitals placed on probation by accrediting group ::


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