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LDR 615 Topic 4 DQ 2
Discuss two strategies that can be used for leading change. How do these strategies increase stakeholder support and create momentum for a change initiative to be successful? Why might you want to consider including the most vocal critic of the change initiative in your guiding team?

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Leaders must make strategic decisions when confronted with an organizational transition circumstance. Change initiatives that are consistent and suit situational conditions are more likely to be successful. There are two strategic alternatives available, each of which can be valuable in its own way. The change strategy will necessitate a quick execution, a well-defined plan of action, and minimum engagement from others (Kotter & Schlesinger, 2008). This method overcomes any opposition and results in a fait accomplishment. However, this technique is dangerous since stakeholder support might be lost if the execution fails to be successful. However, if demonstrated to be effective, this may raise stakeholder support and build trust. This can snowball into momentum, resulting in aggressive and quick-acting change. The opposing technique would need a lengthier change process, a less defined goal, and the participation of many individuals other than the change agents (Kotter & Schlesinger, 2008). This method is intended to reduce resistance to a minimum. As a result, everyone gets a say, which enhances buy-in and stakeholder support and has the potential to be effective.

The most outspoken critic on any squad will have a large effect on the squad as a whole. They frequently have strong qualities that might be resistive to or accepting to change. We can work together to turn the most outspoken critic of the change movement into a forceful supporter by putting him or her on my directing team.


Kotter, J. P. & Schlesinger, L. A. (2008). Choosing strategies for change. Retrieved from


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