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LDR 615 TOPIC 4 DQ 1
Discuss the importance of a change agent and a guiding team. What is the purpose of each, and what traits make them successful?

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A change agent ensures that the project has goals, objectives, and deadlines. They then keep people on track to meet their goals. Change agents develop strategies to hold people accountable and ensure that proper rewards – or penalties – are given as needed. Agents of change are focused and conscientious.

A guiding team is a group of people within an organization who are the change initiative’s social leaders. These individuals provide a wealth of knowledge, energy, and perspective to a wide range of fields, and their colleagues admire their professionalism.

Change agents simplify the process by clarifying the change and making it easier to implement. As a facilitator and part of Guiding Team, you create systems, tools, forms, and processes that help individuals flourish throughout times of change.


A change agent is a person who works inside or outside of an organization to help the organization, or a component of it, improve how it operates. They might be looked of as a change catalyst, someone who can inspire and influence people to make things happen.

There are different traits of a change agent for it to succeed. Without considerable perseverance, change agents will fail. Change is a difficult and time-consuming process that elicits strong feelings and emotions. One facet of successful change agents that is frequently underestimated is their attitude. Change agents have a greater understanding of how a business operates, especially the one in which they are involved. This requires knowledge of money, including where it comes from, where it goes, how it gets there, and how to keep it. Markets and marketing, products and product development, customers, sales, selling, and just about every other area of the business are all required for this position.

Change is never simple, and there is a high risk of failure. Candidates for change agent jobs must be scrutinized by upper management. Once a business has identified the proper person to serve as a change agent for a project, management must ensure that the change agent has between 50 and 100 percent of their work time available to devote to the initiative’s success.


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