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JUS 506 Topic 3 Assignment 1, Mental Illness and the Justice System

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JUS 506 Topic 3 Assignment 1, Mental Illness and the Justice System
The problem of mental illness for the justice system is complicated and complex. Write a 750-1,000-word essay

on the problem of mental illness for the justice system (such as courts, corrections, and law enforcement).

Research one area of the justice system that is particularly burdened by the problems associated with arrest,

processing, conviction, or incarceration of mentally ill offenders.

1. What moral dilemmas arise?

2. What are the costs associated?

3. Discuss several promising policies or programs aimed at alleviating this problem. If you don’t find adequate

policies that are in existence, suggest some prospective solutions to alleviate the problem.

Be sure to cite three to five relevant scholarly sources in support of your content. Use only sources found at

the GCU Library, government websites, or those provided in Class Resources.


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There are a couple of prisons that offer treatment for mentally ill / sick inmates that give a graduated structure of substance misuse treatment programs . Around 80 % of the prisoners who come into the correctional facility structure have a substance misuse history that proposes a basic require for a couple of levels of substance misuse treatment . Considering the guilty party ‘s individual needs , which is chosen through an assessment , they will be set into assorted levels of treatment . A couple of judiciously wiped out patients may get treatment in a network habit benefit program , which gives substance abuse treatment for rationally sick prisoners put under supervision in the network . Conclusion The prisons frameworks need to help give better care to the rationally sick mentally ill patients . I have found that most rationally sick individuals do wind up in prison or jail some place in their life , and most rationally sick individuals wind up falling casualty into the jail society . It has been investigated that rationally sick individuals require an alternate way to deal with discipline while in jail . What is ordinarily utilized as a part of the jail frameworks are finished bolt downs or what is called ” the opening ” . It has been discovered that when rationally sick individuals are put in 23 – hour secure or the gap or put under full limitation it makes them have mental psychosis . It ‘s a disgrace that today , more and even more rationally sick individuals are being tossed behind bars while the psychological doctor ‘s facilities are shutting . There is likewise a requirement for better restoration in the jail frameworks also . So as opposed to discharging mentally ill patients with only a $ 100 check , they can be discharged over into society with a vocation . Most mentally ill patients re-insult and come back to jail inside a year from their discharge .

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