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Develop a disaster recovery plan for the community that will reduce health disparities and improve access to services after a disaster.

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Develop a disaster recovery plan for the community that will reduce health disparities and improve access to services after a disaster. Develop a disaster recovery plan for the community that will reduce health disparities and improve access to services after a disaster. Assess community needs. Consider resources, personnel, budget, and community makeup. Identify the people accountable for implementation of the plan and describe their roles. Focus on specific Healthy People 2020 goals and 2030 objectives. Include a timeline for the recovery effort. Apply the MAP-IT (Mobilize, Assess, Plan, Implement, Track) framework to guide the development of your plan: Mobilize collaborative partners. Assess community needs. Use the demographic data and specifics related to the disaster to identify the needs of the community and develop a recovery plan. Consider physical, emotional, cultural, and financial needs of the entire community. Include in your plan the equitable allocation of services for the diverse community. Apply the triage classification to provide a rationale for those who may have been injured during the train derailment. Provide support for your position. Include in your plan contact tracing of the homeless, disabled, displaced community members, migrant workers, and those who have hearing impairment or English as a second language in the event of severe tornadoes. Plan to reduce health disparities and improve access to services. Implement a plan to reach Healthy People 2020 goals and 2030 objectives. Track and trace-map community progress. Use the CDC’s Contract Tracing Resources for Health Departments as a template to create your contact tracing. Describe the plan for contact tracing during the disaster and recovery phase. Develop a slide presentation of your disaster recovery plan with an audio recording of you presenting your assessment of the scenario and associated data in the Assessment 03 Supplement: Disaster Recover Plan [PDF] Download Assessment 03 Supplement: Disaster Recover Plan [PDF]resource for city officials and the disaster relief team. Be sure to also include speaker notes. Presentation Format and Length You may use Microsoft PowerPoint (preferred) or other suitable presentation software to create your slides and add your voice-over along with speaker notes. If you elect to use an application other than PowerPoint, check with your instructor to avoid potential file compatibility issues.


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