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LDR 615 Topic 6 DQ 2
Describe an ethical dilemma that you experienced, or have witnessed in a change leader when attempting to initiate change. How was the ethical dilemma resolved? What can a change leader use to guide decision making when faced with an ethical dilemma?

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A problem I experienced in my work place.

In our workplace, we may face various challenges which may impact negatively on us especially if we aren’t capable of handling them appropriately.

A few years ago I was working as a manager of a certain organization. I was the only female who had such a big position in the whole organization. This posed a great challenge to me because whenever we met for meetings and other activities, I was the only female around. This totally gave me a feeling of dissatisfaction and low work morale.

I was even afraid of addressing those men because i felt like if they would not respect my decisions. What made the situation worse was by the fact that by then i had divorced with my husband. I had heard some rumours speculating that, I could not be able to manage the organization properly since my own home was a problem too.

Some people were also saying that it was not appropriate for a group of men to be led by a woman since according to the traditions, it was an abnormality.

I was under a dilemma. The question was, should I quit the job? or what just stay in the organization? I tried to ask for some advice from one of my best friend. The advice i received did not really help me.

I started to become thinner and thinner due to stress and unsettlement in the work place. I was even unable to take my meals normally.

It is after I fell sick and I was admitted in the hospital for two weeks that things changed for me. My elder sister who was unaware of my situation saved me by taking me to a psychiatrist Who counselled me accordingly and made me to regain my self confidence and esteem again.

I resumed my work after the illness and served for two more years. I made many friends in the organization. I was even remarried again and for now i have a happy family. I came to learn that it is not good for a person to have a negative self-image or make assumptions out of unverified rumours.


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