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Define motivation and explain three motivational theories from the chapter. What kinds of needs motivate employees? Is a good reward good enough? How do othe

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Define motivation and explain three motivational theories from the chapter. What kinds of needs motivate employees? Is a good reward good enough? How do othe     Assignment Question(s): 1. Define motivation and explain three motivational theories from the chapter. What kinds of needs motivate employees? Is a good reward good enough? How do other factors affect motivation? (Min words 200-300) 2. What are the types of incentives I might use to influence employee behaviour? How can I use compensation to motivate employees?  (Min words 200) 3. What is more important to you, extrinsic or intrinsic rewards? Which type of reward is more valuable to you? Why, (Min words 150-200) 4.  Briefly describe the four content perspectives discussed in this chapter: hierarchy of needs theory, acquired needs theory, self-determination theory, and two-factor theory. ( (Min words 200-300)    Part-2 What Motivated Workers in the Face of a Pandemic?  Sometimes it’s easy to figure out what’s going to motivate workers. But at other times it’s nearly impossible to know what would make someone want to persevere in a particular job. During the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare workers across the globe stepped up and sacrificed themselves—in ways that the rest of us may never fully grasp—to take care of humanity. They exposed themselves and their families to the virus, they worked without proper personal protective equipment (PPE), and they kept at it during gruellingly long shifts, day after day. Reports estimated that healthcare workers’ infection rates were somewhere between 10% and 20% of the total cases. On the surface, it seemed there were no plausible explanations for why these workers continued to show up to their jobs throughout the crisis. you will need to do further research beyond reading the small case.  5. What were the major motivation issues at play in the healthcare industry according to the major needs-based theories of motivation (Maslow’s hierarchy, McClelland’s acquired needs, and Deci and Ryan’s self-determination)?  (Min words 200-300) 6. What do you think were the major equity issues faced by healthcare workers during the pandemic? (Min words 200) Important Note: – 1. Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least FOUR scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles.  2. References required in the assignment. Use APA style for writing references.


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