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HLT540 Week 1 Discussion Question 2

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HLT540 Week 1 Discussion Question 2
Consider the question: “Why do physicians and nurses kill more people than airline pilots?” Apply your critical thinking skills to this argument and critique the statement. First, do you think it’s true? If it is, what do you think about their rationale? How would you address it if the question were posed to you in a forum?

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I don’t think it is proper to say that  nurses and physicians kills more people than airline. Actually nurses and physician play an important role in saving the life of people. There are many hospitals that employs numerous nurses and physicians because the human believe that for a healthy life, we cannot do without their services. For somebody to a nurse and physician then the person must be highly qualified and must have been issued with an operational license. However, we must understand that in hospitals is where most people find their death. Sometimes the need of saving somebody’s life who has probably been stabbed many times in the heart is very minimal or somebody who has been ran over by a moving train. But we must acknowledge that a nurse and physician plays an important role since.They can do a heart plant to somebody having heart complication due to a fatal accident and save the person’s life.They can do operation to somebody who has been ran over by a moving train and save the person’s life. In considering the pilot’s move, it is his work to ensure that passengers reach their destination safely. This only happens when the pilot on safe mode during the flight. The pilot should ensure that his health is in good status and so he or she has got to consult a nurse or physician for healthy tips. Therefore it is not true that a nurse and physician has killed many people.

Step-by-step explanation
Physician and nurses may kill more people than the pilots do. This is because physician is mandated to treat people who are sick or to perform a medical examination on people to reinstate their health conditions back to normal. Pilots are mandated to transport people or goods from one place to another. All of them are entrusted with people’s lives.

Nurses used drugs and chemical substances to treat people and sometimes there would be an error in the medicines they use. These errors could originate from different sources such as misinterpretation of the quantity, prescription of the wrong drugs, human errors due to fatigue and carelessness. Pilots too can have an error which can lead to plane crush and subsequent loss of lives and property.

So, should any error occur, the number of those who may lose their lives in hospitals is more than those who may die in a plane accident. This is because of the following reasons.

The number of people visiting the hospital at a given time globally is higher than those boarding planes. This is because air tickets are relatively expensive than the medical bill.

Considering the accident being intentional, it is logical and sensible that sometimes nurses may decide to kill someone intentionally due to one reason of another while the pilot cannot at any cost lead to an intentional accident because he or she may die in the process since the plane accidents are catastrophic in nature.

I would address this question by considering the probability of death arising from thses two scenario. I would also examine the nature of death and the extent of losses that may come as a result of death. Finally, I would have to consider the possibilities of the root cause of death being intentional or deliberate.


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