Using the online Ashford Library databases, identify an article that selects a sample from which research is conducted using ethical principles. Briefly describe what type of sample the research utilizes and what methods they use to collect the sample. Determine if you think this is a representative sample and if you think the methods used to get the sample were scientific and ethical.
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For this discussion I decided to choose Hypothesis C which is”the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have succeeded in drawingjihadists away from the U.S. homeland” (Boyd, 2008). I’m choosing thisbecause of my involvement during the war in Iraq and its something thatsoilders have thought of. Many others including myself thought the reasonwhy we were hear were to deter terrorism and to keep the fight in themiddle east and not in our homeland. Although there hasn’t been aterrororist attack like the events of September 11th, there have been otherterrorist attacks but on a smaller scale. This shows us that whatever weredoing to mitigate terrorism is working. This hypothesis in particular wouldbe a declarative one based on what we have been seeing. The attacks arebecoming smaller in size and it also would seem that terrorist have startedattacking other countires more then us. The hypothesis can also be viewedas directional just because of the way its written. The hypothesis is directlysaying the reason were not being attacked is because of the wars in Iraqand Afghanistan. To be fair, the way the hypothesis is stated, it would be proven thatthis hypothesis is wrong. The hypothesis states that we have “succeeded” in which we havent because of the small scale terrorists attack. Althoughwe are good at keeping terrorism out of our country, terrorist have turnedto soclal media in order to grow domesticated terrorism. Events like the2009 Fort Hood hospital shooting, the 2013 Boston bombingsand a fewothers show that the wars in the middle east have not prevented terrorismin our country. ReferencesBoyd, D., Dunn, L.A. (2008). Whyhavewenotbeenattackedagain?Competing and complementary hypotheses for homeland attack. DefenseThreat Reduction Agency.