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Annotated Bibliography This week, in order to prepare for your research paper in week 7, you will submit an annotated bibliography that contains at least four research sources. These sources should come only from our scholarly Institution Library databases or resources provided in class. Your completed bibliography should be at least 500 words. For your research paper due in week 7, you will write a literary analysis with a specific, creative thesis and opinionated argument. 1) For each source you locate, you will first provide an MLA-formatted works cited entry. Remember, the literature databases at the Institution Library can often provide those entries for you! 2) Then, underneath each individual source entry, you will provide a detailed, paragraph-length annotation . An annotation is a brief summary of the source’s main ideas or points and may also include a sentence or two about how/why you think this source is relevant to your idea or helpful for your paper. In addition, somewhere within your annotation paragraph, include a quotation from the source that you think might be useful for your eventual research paper. View “Annotated Bibliography Tips, Resources, and Reminders” in this week’s resources section for more information and assistance. Sources · You must provide entries and annotations for at least four sources you’ve located that help with the topic of your upcoming research paper. Remember: Literature. Is. Not. Research. The literature you’ve chosen to write about is not part of the 4-source research requirement. · Each source should be a critical argument on the reading you’ve chosen for your research paper. Sources that only provide plot summary are not acceptable. Sources should be both scholarly and clearly relevant to your topic. Annotations · Provide a brief summary of the source. This summary should include the author’s thesis. · Explain this source’s relevance to your planned research paper topic. · Include a quote from each source somewhere within your annotation paragraphs that you think might be useful for your eventual research paper. Style · Your bibliography should be formatted in MLA style. Grammar/Mechanics · All written assignments should exhibit correct grammar/mechanics and proper punctuation. This assignment will be assessed using the Annotated Bibliography rubric available in the Grading Rubrics folder. 4. Annotated Bibliography Rubric CATEGORY 30 – Superior 25 – Above Average Source Selection 30% Sources chosen are scholarly and highly relevant to the topic Most sources chosen are relevant to the topic; may require a small amount of additional research Annotations 30% Annotations effectively and appropriately describe the source material in thorough, organized paragraphs Almost all annotations are effective and appropriate; one may need improvement or added depth MLA Style 20% Uses MLA formatting accurately and consistently Uses MLA formatting/style with only a few minor, infrequent errors Mechanics, Grammar, and Proofing 20% Virtually free of mechanical, grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors Occasional minor errors do not distract the reader 4 Sources: Hudzikovski, Mateusz, PhD. “POLITICAL DIMENSION OF THE ART OF WAR BY SUN TZU AND ITS GAME-THEORETICAL BACKGROUND.” Strategic Impact, no. 54, 2015, pp. 64-81 . ProQuest, Chow-Hu, Wee. “Perspectives from Sun Tzu’s the Art of War.” WorldatWork Journal, vol. 9, no. 2, 2000///Second Quarter, pp. 51-59 . ProQuest, Al-Hadi, Abdullah, and Gao Xiaoling. “The Return of Long-Lost Sumero-Akkadian Heritage and Modern Disorders: Rediscovering Gilgamesh, Victorian Tension, and Aftermath.” Humanities


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